Bophelo Pele have performed a large number of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcisions. From our site in Orange Farm to Fezile Dabi and Xariep districts in the Free Sate to being the sole VMMC partner in the Northern Cape for VMMC service delivery.
Our Orange Farm site remain famous for starting up in 2009, long before the National VMMC program was launched. This site was a reference site for research on implementation of VMMC programs and effect of VMMC on the general population, including woman. Many programs from all over the continent visited the site and have fond memories of seeing one of the first operational VMMC sites on the continent in action. Now that Bophelo is back, we have implemented VMMC again as direct service delivery partner to The Gauteng Department of Health, as a sub-partner to Innovo Mobile Health.
Bophelo is also contracted through the RT-35 Treasury mechanism in the Northern Cape as a sub-partner to J Galt Express, all 5 districts in the Northern Cape are included. Bophelo is also a service delivery partner under that same funding mechanism for the Fezile Dabi and Xhariep districts of Free State.
Furthermore, Bophelo is contracted by CDC, as a sub-partner to TBHIVCare to perform VMMC in the Department of Correctional Services.

Early morning before the big clean-up to get the room ready for many safe Voluntary Medical Male circumcisions.

Young boys waiting their turn to get Circumcised. In just a few years the decision they made today will start to benefit them, as their exposure to HIV infection will be hugely reduced.

Parents of boys under the age of 18 attend the clinic with them to sign consent for the VMMC procedure.

Dedicated staff members make sure that all the paperwork is done accurately before each procedure.

Nursing staff preparing for the day’s VMMC procedures. Sealed sterilized packs in the foreground will remain closed until needed.